Craft a strong strategy that will propel your brand forward.

Our do-it-yourself guide, Brand Building, walks you through the different components that make up a brand strategy, showcases examples from successful brands, and challenges you with thought-provoking questions that dig deep and help you find the answers you need.

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Every company has a brand.

The successful ones don't leave their brand narrative to be written by others.

Your brand story allows your customers to get to know you better, builds trust in your company, and influences them to choose you over your competitors. Using this guide, you’ll tap into your own brand story by identifying:

  • Brand Promise: Think of this as your tagline
  • Brand Positioning: Built out from your Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  • Guiding Principals: Your brand's ethical gaurdrails
  • Relevance: Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Identify Your Brand's Ecosystem

Know what sets you apart from your competitors and how to connect to your target audience.

Your audience may have more alternatives and barriers to choosing your brand than you realize. By mapping out their personas and understanding the competitive and decision landscape, you’ll craft stronger messaging that helps create emotional connections and drive sales.

  • Market Landscape: Direct Competitors, Network Alternatives, and Inertia Factors
  • Target Audience: Personas made from understanding your customers

Don't Forget the Visual Identity

Learn what underscores a powerful and effective visual identity.

From mapping your brand’s personality to identifying its likes and dislikes, our guide comes with a variety of fun and creative exercises. Equipped with the story pieces and knowledges of competitor and audience positioning, you’ll complete this final section to form the basis of a a visual identity that will instantly convey your brand’s personality.

  • Tone of Voice: How you speak and the language you use
  • Visual Identity: Your logo, colors, fonts, and supporting graphic elements
  • Personality: Quirks and all, your brand's "human" side

Build a powerful brand strategy today in order to fuel tomorrow's business growth.

We're here to support you too. When you're finished, we offer options to vet your strategy, offer additional ideas and insights, and can help propel your brand forward.

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