“Working with Barbara set off a light bulb. We’d been struggling with differentiating our services. Barbara helped us understand that we had a bigger challenge in how our overall brand architecture was limiting our brand awareness efforts and impacting our growth. She gave us invaluable insights and immediate, actionable steps to take that are already helping us resolve the issue.”

– Colleen K., Fractional CMO & Strategic Marketing Advisor, Catapult North

Powerful brand ideas in just one session.

Our Spark Sessions are a chance to really get under the hood of your branding efforts to figure out where your brand currently stands, what’s working, what’s not, and what might be missing. It’s more than discovery though. Through the process of doing our review, we’ll also brainstorm immediate action steps you can take to fire up your brand.

Gain clarity on how to approach your specific branding needs.

We get it – you're focused on day-to-day operations, developing your products, managing your teams, and keeping your customers happy. Diving into branding can feel like a massive undertaking. We help you identify how to integrate branding into your daily business without disrupting your momentum by:

  • Setting clear objectives on what you want to achieve
  • Identifying internal bandwidth and external resources for branding efforts
  • Creating an incremental approach to brand efforts
  • Incorporating branding into your existing workflows

“We highly recommend booking a Spark Session with Barbara. From our “homework” before the session to the wrap-up report, it was a complete experience that highlighted our strengths and pointed out where we could use some work. She gave us actionable steps for both and we look forward to implementing them to reach our goals in 2024!”

– Sylvia and Shannon, Co-Directors at Richmond Story House

Is a Spark Session right for you?

If you're experiencing any of these issues, we should definitely meet.

  • Your sales are steady but you have hit a growth wall. No matter how hard you try, you're struggling to reach that next level.
  • You have a better offering but continually lose out to your competitors.
  • You're checking all the right marketing boxes but you're still not seeing results.
  • Your internal teams disagree on what matters most, and they cannot align in how to describe your company.
  • You've gone through a merger recently and want to clean up your brand efforts.

How it Works:

From start to finish, experience a brand strategy session that actually helps you move the needle.

  • After booking your session, download the Spark Plugs Checklist to review what topics you want to cover
  • We'll spend 90 powerful minutes together, reviewing your brand and brainstorming what you an do next
  • Within 48 hours after our session, you'll receive Deliverables that include a recap of our ideas, any links and documents discussed to help you get started, and a transcript to review (because inevitably, you'll say something during our session you wish you had written down!)