Brand Strategy to Stand Out, Not Blend In

We offer holistic brand strategy solutions that help you amplify your purpose and your impact.

Build Strong Brand Awareness

We offer custom solutions to match your specific branding challenges. Whether you're looking for a single song, or the entire album, we can help position your brand for serious growth.

Brand Audit

This deep dive evaluates your brand's current position, strengths, and weaknesses. We look for what your brand is doing well, where gaps may exist, and whether you have consistency across messaging, visuals, and channels. It's the first step to understanding what your brand may need moving forward.

Stakeholder & Voice of Customer Insights

Through interviews with your internal stakeholders and external customers, we gather insights into how your brand is perceived – uncovering valuable feedback to strengthen your brand strategy and connect more deeply with your audience.

Brand Springboard Creation

We'll develop a comprehensive brand platform, detailing your brand's promise, positioning, purpose, mission, vision, personality traits, and guiding principles. This acts as a launchpad for all future branding efforts, ensuring consistency and impact.

Brand Design

When your messaging is solidified, we will assess your visual identity to ensure it accurately represent's your brand's essence. Whether tweak your logo or design a major overhaul, we ensure your visuals communicate your brand's message effectively. We also offer full brand design for all of your marketing needs.

Competitor Analysis

Analyze your competitors' brand messaging and positioning to identify what they're doing well and where your brand can stand out. This insight helps us carve a unique space for your brand in the market.

Ongoing Brand Awareness Management & Campaign Planning

Keep your brand in the spotlight with continuous marketing efforts, including email campaigns, newsletters, and spotlight features. These initiatives keep your audience engaged and your brand top of mind.

Ready to Get Started? We'd love to hear from you!

``Barbara's competitor analysis was a goldmine! In just two weeks, she unearthed a powerful differentiator that makes our brand stand out in a crowded market (including some hidden competitors we missed!). Plus, she identified areas where our messaging can be tightened for maximum impact. Don't miss out on this strategic edge – Barbara's analysis is a must-have!``

– Chris Luksa, Owner of That 1 Painter Greater Richmond

Does Your Brand Support a Social Cause?

Your customers want to hear about it, and it just may be the differentiator you've been looking for. If you aren't already shouting about this from the rooftops, let's build you a Community Cause Campaign that highlights your brand's commitment to your cause!

53 %
of customers

expect small businesses to have a brand purpose. And the larger your brand, the higher this number goes.

75 %
of consumers

will stop purchasing from brands with no social responsibility

Is Your Brand Less Than Three Years Old?

Our FREE DIY Brand Building Guide was designed with start-ups in mind to make it easy to create your beginning brand strategy. Download it today to get started!